
ComicCON- Center of the Universe!

A lot of our alums (your predecessors) attend ComicCON in San Diego each year. It is, as I once heard a much smarter person say, the largest visual culture event in North America. No foolin'! And folks like us RULE that place!

How great is that?!

Here is a camera-hungry Shawn McCauley, on the SUPER-SECRET alumni website, showing off his activities. I'm gonna make him come talk with us this semester. Even if he says, "no."


Don't miss Rudy Gutierrez and DK Dyson this Friday (29th) at Convocation!! It's free (which is a lot of the same letters as "fire" but much, much better!). This is a super-cool duo and, believe me, you'll only see them together after graduation if you pay big bucks in conference fees.

Rudy G. is a great artist and a gifted educator (i.e. he knows how to put on a really good dog and pony show for your benefit). DK will blow you away, to put it mildly.

Be there!

Oh, yeah. You'll also get free lunch. It's a win-win!


Dig Our Current Students!

Ok, I know I miss out on SOME accomplishments, but sometimes I'm able to catch something and put one or two up for posterity.

"Posterity" is a big $10 word that means "forever." Only it sounds smarter. Feel free to use that.

Here is the article on Laura Byrne's book, of which we are all jealous but happy at the same time.

There will be a lot of that happy/jealous dichotomy in your life (if you're lucky) so be of good cheer and offer congrats to Laura. Laura, keep pursuing projects like this one!


Another Visiting Artist!

Want to see something interesting, fun and F R E E (yes, F R E E) this Sunday?!

Go to the Co-Op at 3 pm. Author/illustrator Anna Dewdney will be there to talk about her work. While you're there...

Stick around and attend a reception for your friend and UConn IllustratioNation alum, Bonnie Sullivan, at 4:30 pm. She's done a mural for the Co-Op's Children's Section and they're celebrating! Go. After all, you're family!


Like Graphic Novels? Let's Go to the NRM Before May 26th!

The World of the Graphic Novel

November 10, 2007 through May 26, 2008

The Norman Rockwell Museum. See the preview here:  LitGraphic Preview

Work by: Peter Kuper, Lauren Weinstein, Sue Coe, Lynd Ward, Frank Miller, R. Crumb, Matt Madden and more. Obviously, Something for everyone!

I can call to get us a group rate or a talk or something if we want to get up a trip. Ja? The NRM is only 1.5 hours of fabulous car trippin' from Storrs.


Paint The Beehive!

Hi Gang,
We have a beehive to paint. Not a hairdo, this is the real thing. As in, "apiary" (where bees will live).
It was delivered today and we (UConn Artists) need to paint it before May, when the UConn bee people will pick it up.

This could be so much fun- think about how bees/beehives have been used symbolically and to what end. This is fabulous material!!

HOT PROJECT- Get to Work!

Who: Residence Hall Association (RHA) here at UConn

What: They need various visual id things- a logo first, then mural panels (think "posters" at large poster size), etc. Lots of fun, visible stuff that you can use for promotion, your resume, etc.

Keep This in Mind:
  • The RHA is made up of: "do-ers," high energy, friendly, approachable student leaders
  • The RHA deals with the residents on campus. They foster improvement, change and act as advocates for students
  • The RHA works toward community building, networking, and fuller, improved experiences for residents
  • RHA defines itself differently from USG as: welcoming, facilitates and engages community
A Few Key Words to Build Upon:
  • Academics/Scholarship
  • Social/Friendship
  • Connection/Community
We need to meet to get the ball rolling on this- it's a great opportunity to really make some visible work that goes out into the campus and says "Ain't illustration GREAT?!"

See These Illustrators for FREE!!

This event is coming up on April 16th- it's free and is a great way to see top-notch illustration right here. The Illustration classes will be attending- you should too! Don't miss it.

(Click on the image to see details)


Networking Opportunity!!

The Connecticut Art Directors Club is local AND not expensive for you to join as a student. You should! Never underestimate how important it is to get out and connect with other professional people. PLUS, they sponsor a conference in April that is FREE for students to attend. They get some great pro's coming in to speak, so go. Here is a handy link to the conference:

Conference you should NOT MISS!

They also have a $500 scholarship opportunity for students currently enrolled in an accredited program (UConn is). Check it out!

Chiara Giorgetti! Go See Her!

She's talking today! She's in the print shop all week! Don't miss this opportunity to see a terrific international artist. The details:

Italian Artist/Printmaker, Chiara Giorgetti will be an Artist-in-Residence at the print shop March 17 – March 28 working with students on various projects.

Prof. Giorgetti lives in Florence and she is head of the Graphics Dept. at Brera University in Milan, Italy


Susannah Richards: AB #108 on Thursday at 12:30 pm

Hey All,

Susannah Richards is going to speak to my illustration class this Thursday (20th) at 12:30 pm. She's a TOTAL EXPERT in children's picture books. In fact, she is on the jury for the Caldecott Medal (that is THE top award in picture books in the U.S.). How's that?! Here is her bio:

"Susannah Richards is an Assistant Professor of Reading/Language Arts at Eastern Connecticut State University where she teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on language arts methods, children's and young adult literature, and reading and writing strategies for elementary and secondary teachers. She reads, collects, reviews and presents on books for youth at state and national conferences. She currently writes a column on books, reviews picture books for School Library Journal and is on the ballot for the 2010 Caldecott Committee."

She'll join us at 12:30 pm in #108.


New Look

High guys!

I've been fiddling with the look of the blog.

Leave a comment on what you think.


my sites

Ronin Artist (Illustration) Status:Incomlete

Ronin Artist Blog ( I just got it)

Anime Teaser (Trailers) Status:Incomplete

Deviant Art (Archive) Status:Complete,updating

Youtube (Trailer,animation archive)Status: Complete,updating

my sites might display a bit funky on the macs, i'm still working on that too

Member Websites

Hey guys!
Comment here with your websites/blogpages.

We want to see your stuff!

this is kinda kool

El Presidente In The House

I concede defeat, Chris A...

The Facts

You take the good, you take the bad,
you take them both and there you have
The Facts of Life, the Facts of Life.

There's a time you got to go and show
You're growin' now you know about
The Facts of Life, the Facts of Life.

When the world never seems
to be livin up to your dreams
And suddenly you're finding out
the Facts of Life are all about you, you.


I've Got to beat CHRIS!!!!!


Brand Spankin' NEW!

Ok, first post. Who knows how this works? Not me! All the more reason to try.

Welcome to spring semester 2008.