
Another Visiting Artist!

Want to see something interesting, fun and F R E E (yes, F R E E) this Sunday?!

Go to the Co-Op at 3 pm. Author/illustrator Anna Dewdney will be there to talk about her work. While you're there...

Stick around and attend a reception for your friend and UConn IllustratioNation alum, Bonnie Sullivan, at 4:30 pm. She's done a mural for the Co-Op's Children's Section and they're celebrating! Go. After all, you're family!


Like Graphic Novels? Let's Go to the NRM Before May 26th!

The World of the Graphic Novel

November 10, 2007 through May 26, 2008

The Norman Rockwell Museum. See the preview here:  LitGraphic Preview

Work by: Peter Kuper, Lauren Weinstein, Sue Coe, Lynd Ward, Frank Miller, R. Crumb, Matt Madden and more. Obviously, Something for everyone!

I can call to get us a group rate or a talk or something if we want to get up a trip. Ja? The NRM is only 1.5 hours of fabulous car trippin' from Storrs.